Alipay is part of the same group of companies with Alibaba, the world’s largest online store. Alipay is the world’s most popular mobile payment, with more than 500 million active users. Alipay covers 80% of Chinese mobile payments.
Finland is considered a special destination, and its popularity is growing rapidly. Chinese tourists spend nearly €1,000 per trip in Finland, which is more than any other tourist group.
Chinese tourists mainly use cash, which limits their spending. In London, for example, the Chinese spend four times more money because electronic payment methods are supported. Mobile payments are the most popular electronic payment method in China, and tourists prefer paying with a familiar method when shopping. Nearly all Chinese tourists who travel to Finland are using Alipay.
Alipay and Epassi combined their mobile payment systems in order to serve Chinese tourists in Finland. The tourist uses the Chinese Alipay app to make the payment, and the merchant uses the Epassi service in Finnish. Epassi transfers all payments to the service provider’s account from a Finnish bank. Epassi’s operations are regulated and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority. All payments and transactions are denominated in euros, so there is no currency risk.
The Epassi service provides real-time reports on transactions for daily bookkeeping. Payments are automatically settled to merchants once per week. The merchants’ service fees are low, comparable to international payment cards.
Epassi Alipay is not just a payment method. It is also a strong and targeted communication channel that improves your company’s visibility for consumers. Chinese tourists’ choice of destination can be influenced significantly by providing information on the local services already before the trip.
We sign a merchant contract according to the Financial Supervisory Authority’s standards, and Epassi adds the location to the network. We provide the necessary materials and train your administrators to receive payments – just 15 minutes of training is enough, it is that simple!
Join the hundreds of participating merchants, restaurants, hotels, and travel service providers and make use of the Chinese tourists’ purchasing power.
Our Alipay customer service is available on business days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, 050 317 2497,
Watch a video of the simple process here.
The customer makes a payment using the Chinese Alipay mobile app, and the Finnish merchant receives the payment safely with the Finnish Epassi online service or app.
With Alipay, you can pay just the right amount with a few taps. It is that convenient.
Suomalaiset yrittäjät ovat kiinnostuneita Alipaysta
Kiinalaisen mobiilimaksuyhtiön maihinnousu etenee Suomessa
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Epassi-Alipay -maksutapa Finnairin lennoille 27.1. alkaen
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Kiinalainen verkkokauppajätti järjestää yleisötapahtuman Rovaniemellä
Epassi: Alipay pian tarjolla suomalaisille kauppiaille
Danielle Pamela Neben
+354 852 4588
Linnoitustie 11, 02600 Espoo
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 23 B, 65100 Vaasa
Ynglingagatan 14, 113 47 Stockholm
Storgatan 31, 46130 Trollhättan